Gabriel Espinosa

Medical Assistant
Biomagnetism Therapy Level I and II


Coach with NLP

Energetic Therapies

Contact: (Cel) 1-732-216-1185

Biomagnetism Therapy is widely supported by two major Universities with medical colleges: The National University of Loja in Ecuador (founded in 1859) and the Autonomous University of Chapingo in Mexico (founded in 1854). Biomagnetism is more than a project in many countries in Latin America and Europe; more than one million people already received these treatments in hospitals and private clinics which have incorporated this system, dramatically changing the conditions of their patients. This magnetic healing system a totally safe technique; it is painless, and you wouldn't experience any discomfort during or after the sessions; in addition, it does not interfere with most medical treatments or medications. Since it's for external use, there's no need to undress.

The Medical Biomagnetism has no adverse effects and is integrative —it does not interfere with any treatment at that time, prior or future—, can be fitted very well to conventional or allopathic medicine, homeopathy, physiotherapy, oriental medicine, acupuncture, etc. There are a few contraindications: if you are taking chemotherapy, radiation therapy, using pacemakers or any other intra-corporal devices that use batteries, or  pregnancy, tell your practitioner so he can be aware and direct the session as it corresponds; although there are no documented damages or adverse effects in those cases, it's a standard legal procedure to protect the activity of the therapist and the patients.

This magnetic healing system, as a natural medicine and an alternative therapy, restores your happiness and your life as it were before your condition, avoiding the problems the normal methods carry with them (addiction, dizziness, nausea, etc.). We strongly advise to all patients considering alternative medicine treatment to have a thorough medical examination before applying for this therapy, to assure you have not any other health issues unknown to you.

Biomagnetism Therapy (also called Medical Biomagnetism, Biomagnetic Therapy or Biomagnetic Pair) is a therapeutic technique developed by the Mexican scientist Dr. Isaac Duran Goiz more than 26 years ago. It is focused on eliminating the causes, exacerbate or impede the rehabilitation of a disease, this by applying permanent artificial magnets in different areas of the body that are in "Resonance Biomagnetic", based on a methodology described by its discoverer. Thus enabling the treatment of various infectious, diseases chronic degenerative, metabolic, dysfunctional, autoimmune, psycho-emotional, tumor and intoxications; reducing the clinical symptoms, rehabilitating the different functions in the body and restoring the health of people; obtaining clinical improvement in a number of cases, avoiding adverse effects of conventional treatments, intoxication, drug overdose or anaphylaxis, antimicrobial resistance, and reducing the risks of infection, bleeding or surgical complications and hospitalization times, convalescence and rehabilitation.

Biomagnetism Therapy or Biomagnetic Pair
